
Sunday, July 21, 2013


I was drawing another cat waiting listening to my last voice lesson..

Ginny, so you read that I said I spammed my friends who wouldn't respond?  How is that bad if I was locked up and insane?  I just didn't think to tell them, they'd make fun of me..

I said what I said.  I want something that makes sense other than what I've heard, annoying cutting grunts and growls..  No one has really said yea I know these friends tend to make a lasting impression and sounded like an eminent threat for the future.  That's the creepy part.  They just visited, and I failed my semester at Valencia online.  They made the move 1st, but I know you don't tend to care.. it was the other 1 laughing saying wow what a way to spend a vacation because I guess I stayed up cooking, they came a few minutes early as I got out of a shower-but was all happy to see them, having a hard time, of course, all outta sorts from being kicked outta what I liked in music in college for being shy they said, but it might be because they added that history course where we had to go to the library like twice a week and I didn't memorize my 5th instrument, the main 1, piano, but still got a C- I think.